10x Mission - September Update
So my goal is to 10x my LinkedIn outreach (per Alex Hormozi's direction).
In September:
Increased our messages from 10.9k to 14.4k
Increased our connection requests from 4.7k to 8.7k.
Goal this month is to increase connection requests to 12k & messages to 60k.
Key to hitting the message goal is that we found out how to increase our messages from 200/day/act to 330/day/act, we have capacity to hit our goal so we're aiming to hit it.
So here's the ELEPHANT in the room...
...response rates suck
...meetings booked suck
Here's why...
...I put almost 0 effort into it last month
The main thing I learned from Hormozi at his workshop is FOCUS
FOCUS on one thing at a time
The first thing he told me to do was 10x my outreach (aka VOLUME)
So that's what I'm doing
I simply slapped together a crappy campaign & am collecting and categorizing reasons people say no, so I can make content based on their objections & obstacles
Response rates will be tackled in November, when we have the VOLUME to test with sample sizes that have statistical significance
Meetings booked is low because my team didn't start using Calendly till this month so those numbers are actually just incorrect, it was somewhere around 9 meetings booked.
Keep in mind, I have a very niche product, we close at around 25%, it's a 90 day sales cycle, and the LTV is $26,250, so if you have a broader market & lower LTV, your meetings booked will probably be higher.
Also again, I have put 0 effort into this, because I'm laser focused on Volume.
"More, Better, New"
Hormozi's line ^
We can't do better until we have done more!
That's all for this month's update!
If you're also trying to increase your LinkedIn outreach feel free to post your own goals and we'll keep each other accountable!
Charles Dejager
10x Mission - September Update
LinkedIn Legends
Alex Hormozi told me to 10x my LinkedIn outreach at a workshop. This group is where I document my journey to achieve that quest for my business.
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