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Anxious Freelance Copywriter
How would you go about taking on your first-ever solo project after months of on-and-off preparation and self-teaching?
1 member has voted
New comment Apr 12
Morning Roast ☀️☕️
There is no ‘U’ in initiative just “I” let’s initiate all the things we can to remain proactive and on track!
New comment Apr 12
First Community Meet Up
Hey Linkedtrepreneurs, I am so so excited to be working on the first community meet up for you all! In this call, I plan to have an open Q/A session where we can talk through some things you are going though, "how to's" and so much more! I want to get a sense of what days/times work best for everyone? Let me know by voting! Xoxo, Kennedi
2 members have voted
How to Stay Connected
Hey everyone, It was brought to my attention that some of you are not receiving notifications and might not be aware that you are part of the community or have been accepted. So, here are some ways to stay connected: 1. Download the Skool App - It's super easy and offers a fun in-app experience where you can stay connected, comment on posts, and watch the training videos in the car or wherever you are. Link: 2. Make Your Intro If you haven't already, go to: Go to Intro > Title - Intro > Write something > Post 3. Turn On Notifications Click your profile icon > Settings > Notifications > Choose Your Preferences > Save If you have any questions or need how-to's, please comment below! Hugs, Love yallll, K 🤎
How to Stay Connected
Lay of the land 🚩
Group rules to keep the community high-quality: - Spam: Absolutely no spamming allowed. This includes repetitive posts, low-quality content, or anything that doesn't bring value to our community. - Self-Promotion-Free Zone: Please refrain from using this group as a billboard for your agency, courses, or business offerings. We're here to share knowledge and engage in meaningful exchanges. - No Hate Speech Allowed: Any form of hate speech, racist comments, or similar behavior will not be tolerated in this community. - Maintain a Positive Mindset: Limiting beliefs, doubts, and negative commentary are not allowed here. Let's keep our discussions positive and supportive. Continual disregard for these rules will result in removal from the community. Thanks for your understanding! How to get support: For support, please direct your questions to the appropriate context channel within the community: - General Discussions for any general questions. - Business Foundations for questions related to Section 1 of the course. - LinkedIn Mastery for questions about Section 2 of the course. Best practices: - Stay Active & Help Others: The more you contribute positively, the more you'll benefit. - Progress Through Modules in Order: To achieve the best results, complete the modules as they're laid out, avoiding skipping around. - Celebrate Every Win: Share all your successes with the group, no matter the size. Embrace the journey guys and have fun!
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