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Note Taking is Mandatory -Download Free Strategy Now
Courses aren't movies. Courses require your complete attention. If you don't take notes to learn the compendium of stuff you need to know you'll never make it. I use the flow control method. I was doing this for years but ultra learner Scott Young gave it a name and talks about it in his book on ultra learning. I've attached Scott's system. This is the guy who completed MIT in one year.
Adventureworks Database
For those taking my SQL course, here is the location of the AdventureWorks database .bak files. You can download the one you want and restore it to your local instance. If you navigate down this page it will show you how to restore it.
This community will be all about learning applied machine learning. Machine learning is a sub discipline of artificial intelligence. My goal is simple. Help you learn real-world machine learning. This is far move difficult than you think. Most people don't even know what artificial intelligence is. I'll be moving my platform LogikBot to Skool in the near future. This is a much more collaborative environment to learn real-world machine learning. Many of my learners are coming from Quora and this Skool's interface is very similar. I've been working with data for three decades. I've been working on applied machine learning projects for over a decade now. I've been the top blogger in the applied machine learning space for several years. I've worked at several top tech companies and turned down offers from several others. This community will involve free and paid content. Thanks. Mike
Moving here... Same thing but it's free. :)
Commit to Memory
When learning SQL, there are ideas and concepts you must know. If I ask you... what's DML? What's the difference between DML and DDL? You need to know what they are and be able to articulate what each does. If I ask you... What's Transact-SQL? You need to know it's Microsoft's flavor of SQL. If I ask you... what's a data type? You need to know what that is and be able to provide examples. For example... what's the difference between varchar and nvarchar? Interviewers won't have patience for candidates who don't know the basics. They will simply move on to the next candidate. My Transact-SQL course and associated study guide has all of this. You have zero excuses for not having all the basics memorized.
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Real-World Machine Learning
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