Lotis Health Garden
Private group
8 members
$59 /month
At least 1 in 4 people are currently suffering from burnouts. This number tends to be much higher in entrepreneurs.
It's not our fault.
With the age of desk jobs and the internet, we've redefined what it means to work.
Burnouts happen because we haven't redefined what it means to rest and restore ourselves.
Join the Lotis Health Garden, where entrepreneurs can recover by getting back in tune with the needs of our body.
You'll get:
1️⃣Access to the keys to a healthier and burnout-resistant life🗝️
🥝Nutrition advice
🧠Anxiety Management
🎯Improved productivity and focus
2️⃣Access to live Zoom Q&A's with a performance coach during which you can ask questions and receive tailored advice
3️⃣A unique chance of fostering a positive and supportive community that will support you with your health goals going forward
Lotis Health Garden
Through the art of self-mastery you will build a healthier body, heal chronic stress, develop a winning mindset and cultivate a happier life
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