Join with other Catholic Filmmakers in the glorious film renaissance.
Jesus can work through any film He wants.
BUT what will He do if we intentionally involve him in every aspect of the process?
It is a game changer, but not easy to do. I've spent over 20 years learning how. And now I am devoting 100% of my time to teaching other Catholic filmmakers, like you, how to become like King David and defeat the Goliath of Hollywood.
If you're willing to put in the time Our team will help you unlock the amazing talents God gave you.
Let’s hop on the phone and see if I can help you. To begin, and to see if you qualify, just follow these 3 steps right now:
- visit our site:
- click on the blue button “JOIN THE CATHOLIC FILM RENAISSANCE”
- Fill out my questionnaire
Once I review your application and determine you’re a right fit, I will schedule a free one-on-one
consult with you. Yep. For the glory of God, let's do this.