MAD Skool
Public group
22 members
Want to Dominate in Arms Race? Tired of your Heroes attacking like zeroes? Learn to Maximize your spending and translate it to true power and growth!
Ever see those ads all over social media and YouTube about Last War Survival Game...then start the game just to find out it is more than what it really shows?!
But you're cool with it because of the community you found within, so you just grind away thinking it will eventually work for you. Then at many points, you wonder why you haven't made the progress but spent all this money without any real reward for your time or commitment!
Here at MADFAM, achieve that with our reward system by advancing through our training to achieve better payouts on Arms Races to VS, even Brawl. Our experienced community has much to offer, to include monthly competitions to sharpen our skills even further to Dominate who we face daily!
Join MAD SKOOL today, and you will Maximize... Achieve... and Dominate! LFG LPG
MAD Skool
Want to Dominate in Arms Race? Tired of your Heroes attacking like zeroes? Learn to Maximize your spending and translate it to true power and growth!
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