Pop Art Stripes
A few days ago I got familiar with how to add a series of bodies to a component (folder) in Fusion, which made keeping track of separate bodies much more possible. I already knew about using Bambu Studio to split an STL made of multiple bodies into separate parts, but it seemed like such a hassle before I was comfortable grouping bodies into components first. Assigning a color to each separate part/body was suddenly fun. I wasn't expecting fun again so soon. 😊
I planned to try a handful of 2" cover pots with pop art stripes, then make a 4" version of the best one or two, like the last image below. By the time I made myself stop, I had made 17. Now I have them up on social media, to ask for opinions on which to make into 4" pots first, and people are enjoying sharing their views. More fun.
I was going to spend less time on this, and push myself to try something more challenging. Can't argue with fun. Challenges will be there next week.
If you're a beginner like me, I hope this is encouraging you.
Elizabeth Able
Pop Art Stripes
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