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HELP debt - Expect to repay/Repaid HELP Debt - tell employer
Your employer withholds tax from your salary (called PAYG - Pay As You Go Withholding) on the basic Australian tax tables. If you ticked that you have a HELP debt - they'll withhold an extra 1% ($48k) to 10% ($151k+) from your salary - to try to 'match' the required HELP debt repayment required when you lodge your tax return. Say you earn $155k = that is $15,500 extra they'll withhold. But say you only have nothing or maybe a smaller amount (say 3k) left on your help debt - you can tell them and going forward they won't withhold extra for HELP debt (and the extra will go into your pocket). If you want forced savings - you can tell your employer to split your salary into more than one account. Or simply set up an automatic transfer so you put the "extra" funds into savings. Or of course - put it in your offset account or make an extra repayment from your mortgage.
2023 Working from Home - changed
The ATO have increased the working from home rate from 52c to 67c. always - there are a few catches. 1. The ATO now wish to see actual records (rather than estimates we and most other accountants have been preparing). 2. The 67c rate is similar to the previous 80c rate - in that it includes phone and internet. When preparing returns over the last years - we often found the 52c rate was better when there either mobile or internet use (and definitely if there was both mobile and internet). 3. The 52c rate is no longer available to be used - so to get clients the best deduction I think it is likely we will be claiming the actual rates - calculating a portion of the electricity they use - along with mobile and internet. I note that Australian tax is a 'Self Assessment' system - and that our clients have not been audited in the past (with perhaps 6 or 7 exceptions which were expected because of known very large deductions) - so we will work with you to maximise your legal deduction. ATO Document: PCG 2023/1 Claiming a deduction for additional running expenses incurred while working from home - ATO compliance approach Example 2 - cannot rely on the practical compliance approach Dan must be in the office at least 3 days per week and can either work in the office or from home for the other 2 days per week. Dan only works from home if he does not have client meetings, so he does not always work 2 days per week from home. Hours worked from home = 2 days per week × 8 hours per day × 49 weeks = 784 hours Additional running expenses = 784 hours × 67c = $525
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Looking forward to have you join the Make It Better Community! I've created The First Video to welcome you into the community. The Second Video is about what I call "Dumb Tax" - when do you pay it?
New comment Jul '23
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2023 Tax Time issues - Lower Refund due to Lamington Gone
1.Don't you love the ATO!! Job codes make returns fail The ATO have external job codes and internal codes The 2023 prefiling reports now will download the ATO internal codes (which accountants don't know the codes - we know the names) so then the returns will fail and not be able to be lodged. We will be checking the code for our clients. The (not that useful) ATO should have a fix some time later in July. 1. 2023 Lower Refund - due to "Lamington" gone. Sorry to say - your 2023 refund is likely to be lower than you expected. Lamington - Low and Middle Income Tax Offset 2023 - What is New This Year!
2023 Tax - [Business] Technology boost passed just before 30 June 2023.
Extra 20% deduction for certain technology items. Just going to put it out there that the rules of tax can be ridiculous sometimes. Finally approved a bit over a week before the end of the financial year. Expect Officeworks and JB Hi Fi to be wiped out!
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Make It Better
To help those who have to pay Australian tax - learn how to make better decisions regarding their finances and lives.
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