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✅#1 - EARN POINTS when someone "LIKES" your post AND/OR comments. 1 Like = 1 Point The more you engage w/in Our Community the more points you Earn. The easiest way to start engaging is to create your 1st post in the "Tell Us More About You" Section. Just a few lines about yourself... Are you LPN or RN? How long you've been a Nurse...? Perhaps what made you decide to become a Nurse...? And, one or two of the challenges you're dealing w/ in your career right now...? *Please note: A few rules to let you know about... There is no promoting your own business or products / services. There is no posting links to other content w/in this group as well. This is a Community to be focused completely around us engaging amongst each other and learning more about taking our lives & careers to the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> ✅#2 - LEVELS to Your Rewards You get rewarded for being the most engaged in the Group w/ Levels! Levels are the way we reward you for engaging & participating w/in the group. For example: When you join the group you're on Level 1 - "Manifesting Newbie." On Level #1 - You'll get access to our first reward...and, it just gets better from there! It takes just 5 points to get to Level 2 (5 LIKES on any posts / comments you do). On Level 2, you move up to become a “TEAM PLAYER" - reward will be added. Once you get to Level 3 - "Optimistic Awareness" you get access to a fun & informative reward I put together for you...and, so on! There are 9 Levels total. As you level up - the rewards become more and more valuable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> ✅#3 - LEADERBOARDS Each Month, the TOP 3 Members on the Leaderboard will receive a Special Reward for being active in Our Group. Rewards range from Free Merchandise, Amazon gift cards, etc. Every month, you will want to set your intention to engage w/in Our Community daily to be recognized as One of Our Top Leaders!
*️⃣How to Be a Member? If you have not Answered the 3-New Member Poll Questions...? Please use this link and answer the 3 Membership Questions: Thank You! This helps me to stay updated w/ New Members coming in.
Welcome Into Manifest w/ Stacey Bogle Group. *️⃣You Maybe Wondering...What Is this Group about?? This Group was created for Nurses...and, Friends of Nurses Who Want To BE, DO And HAVE More. What I mean by that...?? If you've worked as an LPN / RN for many years - like ME. I can imagine you've had moments of feeling tired and burned out from this career...especially, if you work in Long Term Care Facilities like I do. I've had so many conversations w/ Nurses over the years who are frustrated and looking for another way to get money....but, don't know what to do. For many of us... Nursing is ALL WE KNOW How to do to Get Money. I'm Launching this Awesome Community of Fellow Nurses to Let You Know there IS another Way! In This Group - We Focus on Learning New Skills and Mindset You'll Need to Retire Bedside Nursing Comfortably... if that's what you want!
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Nurse To Entrepreneur Group!
For Nurses Who Want To BE, DO & HAVE More! New Skills & Mindset To Create A Life You Love Living!
Community Vision Brought To You By Stacey Bogle.
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