✅#1 - EARN POINTS when someone "LIKES" your post AND/OR comments. 1 Like = 1 Point The more you engage w/in Our Community the more points you Earn. The easiest way to start engaging is to create your 1st post in the "Tell Us More About You" Section. Just a few lines about yourself... Are you LPN or RN? How long you've been a Nurse...? Perhaps what made you decide to become a Nurse...? And, one or two of the challenges you're dealing w/ in your career right now...? *Please note: A few rules to let you know about... There is no promoting your own business or products / services. There is no posting links to other content w/in this group as well. This is a Community to be focused completely around us engaging amongst each other and learning more about taking our lives & careers to the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> ✅#2 - LEVELS to Your Rewards You get rewarded for being the most engaged in the Group w/ Levels! Levels are the way we reward you for engaging & participating w/in the group. For example: When you join the group you're on Level 1 - "Manifesting Newbie." On Level #1 - You'll get access to our first reward...and, it just gets better from there! It takes just 5 points to get to Level 2 (5 LIKES on any posts / comments you do). On Level 2, you move up to become a “TEAM PLAYER" - reward will be added. Once you get to Level 3 - "Optimistic Awareness" you get access to a fun & informative reward I put together for you...and, so on! There are 9 Levels total. As you level up - the rewards become more and more valuable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> ✅#3 - LEADERBOARDS Each Month, the TOP 3 Members on the Leaderboard will receive a Special Reward for being active in Our Group. Rewards range from Free Merchandise, Amazon gift cards, etc. Every month, you will want to set your intention to engage w/in Our Community daily to be recognized as One of Our Top Leaders!