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How my life changed ↓
It changed when I mastered High-Frequency Living. It’s hard to explain what this feels like because it’s a feeling, and you’ll know when you experience it. Like how do you explain love to someone who’s never experienced it? Imagine feeling so aligned with your future, like you have blinders on, and nothing else matters more than getting there. You can be the person who tries to get in this energy by doing daily practices or routines or you can be the person who feels this and operates from this energy. High-frequency living changed my life and now I’m all about teaching you how to do the same.
New comment 6d ago
How my life changed ↓
Here's a Reminder For You Today...
Raising your vibration doesn’t have to be complicated, and here’s why👇 You can’t force your vibration to shift overnight; it’s something that builds naturally, like a fire. You’ve got to keep adding fuel to it until it burns effortlessly. The problem is, you’re not adding enough “wood” to keep the flame strong. That's why we focus on glimmers daily. If you’re ready for guidance on how to raise your vibration inside my course Your New Frequency I show you exactly how to elevate your vibration using a single, simple practice you can do right on your phone in seconds 🔥 The real key? Consistency. That’s why you’ll have a daily guide for 21 days—so you can feel the power of raising your vibration and watch it accelerate your manifestation again and again. And now show me your glimmer! ↓↓↓↓
Changing Your Life Starts Here ❤️
Hi! Happy Tuesday! 😊 Today I wanted to share the why behind creating this group... With so much advice out there, manifesting and changing your life can often feel like navigating a maze with no clear direction. I created this group as your go-to space where you can truly understand manifestation, feel empowered, and gain a clear sense of direction. Changing your life doesn’t have to be complicated. When you follow a process, everything becomes simple. By making glimmers a habit, your life can look completely different in just 6-12 months. Manifesting the life you desire isn’t about going through the motions of practices—it’s about who you are and how you show up every day. Manifesting is a skill to be mastered, and this is the perfect place to make it a lifestyle. Quiet the noise, trust your path, and start creating magic in your life. My newest course, Your New Frequency, gives you all the tools you need to get started.
Happy start of the week!
What are you excited to create this week? Remember: You’re always manifesting. What are you working towards to right now? Lmk in the comments!👇 and welcome @Lucille Du Preez! 🎉
🌟 Share Your Wins + Glimmers Daily! 🌟
Hello Manifestors! To manifest your desires, it's crucial to maintain a high vibration. And guess what helps you do that? Tracking your glimmers! ✨💡🌟 I encourage you to share your wins and glimmers in the group every day. These small victories and moments of insight are powerful and can inspire others on their journey too! PS: [Operating from these high frequencies has transformed my life and how I run my business.] How It Works ↓↓↓ You earn 1 Point for every like, comments, or reply your post receives. When you engage in this community and share your experiences, you’ll not only earn points but also see how much progress you’re making toward mastering your energy and shifting your vibration. The more points you accumulate, the more it shows that you’re consistently tracking your glimmers—proof that your vibration is shifting. This is the key skill you need to master to manifest your desires. This is a fantastic way to create momentum and start achieving the tangible results you’re after. Let’s support each other, keep the energy flowing toward those high vibrations, and manifest our dreams together! 💫 Take a peek at the Levels inside this group ↓
🌟 Share Your Wins + Glimmers Daily! 🌟
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The Modern Manifesting Academy
Manifest in 2 steps + do it from your phone. Get ready for miracles! Manifesting in your life + biz is ahhhh so fun! 🎉📲✨
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