The Advertising Shortcut
Public group
10 members
No more paying freelancers, graphic designers and agencies!
This community provides 15+ creatives a month so you always have content to create ads or to post on your social media accounts without the time commitment of making the creatives and writing the copy yourself.
Its not everyday you can buy back your time but today we are selling it!
• 15+ creatives a month.
• Fill in the blank copy templates.
• Guidance for successful advertising.
• Access to easy to digest 5-minute advertising guides. (without the fluff)
• 50% off agency services for when you are ready to take the leap!
Business owners are spending 3+ hours a week creating their ads only for them to not be 100% happy in the end. Using our process they are now making new ads from scratch in just 15 minutes!
You don't need to have any experience with running ads or making ad creatives we show you how advertising agencies speed up results and keep producing and running ads without getting burnt out!
The Advertising Shortcut
We create daily ad creatives and sales copy templates busy business owners can use to increase their advertising ROI.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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