Ad Template #12
Copy & Paste in Headline:
Feel confident and secure about solving [issue]!
Copy & Paste in Primary Text:
Has trying to fix [problem] left you feeling lost and confused?...
Fear not for this is the fix...
[Solution], the [program/product] that will have you achieving [goal] in just [timeframe]!
Don’t believe me? I totally understand but hear me out.
Many people fail to achieve [goal] due to [reason]
This causes many people to give up right before they succeed in getting [goal]…
How can you change this?
With [product/program] we focus on removing [problem] to fast track your way to [goal] usually within [timeframe to complete].
We have a [x]% success rate and know this will work for you too even if you’ve never done [task] before.
Want to get [goal] in the next [timeframe]?
[CTA] (sign up today, click the buy now button and get yours, register for x)
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Josh Allard
Ad Template #12
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