Write something
What has been your biggest challenge?
We want to know! What has been the biggest challenge for you in the business space? Is it keeping track of pen? Is it finding a place to host your practice? Bookkeeping? Folding sheets? Working that stubborn spray bottle of Simple Green? We want to know!
Introduce yourself!
We want to get to know you! -Who are you? -Where are you from and where are you now? -Self- employed or working for a company? -How long have you been in the massage and bodywork field? -In 3 sentences or less explain what part of the industry you are in and what you do. -What are you looking to get out of this community? This is mostly just a template to get your thought hamsters running. Share what you want to and leave out what you don't. Everyone person here is unique and has a unique set of skills. We want to get to know you better and we appreciate you being here!
New comment Jul 19
Starting and growing your business
Whether you are a seasoned professional and running your own massages business or just getting started, this group is for you. Here we plan to give you tips and tricks that will help you get your business to where you want to be. Ask questions, get involved and help others with your knowledge and skills. (we know you've got them😉)
So what exactly is it that you do?
If you've entered into the realm of massage and bodywork, you have probably realized by now that there are many different styles and techniques you can choose from, learn about and focus in. Each one has uniques and distinct advantages and can help in a variety of circumstances. No doubt when you tell people what you do and you say something other than "Massage" or "I'm a bodywork professional" you get a variation of responses that can be summed up with 'so what exactly do you do?'. And while they might not completely understand if you explain it to them I have have good news for you: WE DO!! This community right here is built for people just like you who love to learn and want their knowledge and skills to be appreciated. So let's build something great together and support each other in our differences. Go team!
New comment Jul 19
What has been the most valuable resource to you and why? Or what resource would you recommend to someone trying to learn or improve? I've made the realization recently that not everyone uses the same resources in their learning journey.🤦‍♀️ Duh. Not my brightest moment I know. 💡But I also realized that this provides an opportunity for us to work together. Share your valuable resources! Textbooks, classes, groups, research papers, etc. So far, mine is Tappan's Handbook for Massage Therapy. Such a great guide and resource. My favorite part is the detailed illustrations of the techniques taught.
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Massage Masters In Bodywork
Level up your massage game with knowledge and techniques that elevate both your skills and your business.Turning what you know into pro material.
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