Master Your Dopamine 30
Private group
3 members
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(⚠️$100 starting August)
Still resorting to p0rn from stress & overwhelm?
Welcome to Master Your Dopamine 30
Our mission is to help men quit porn in 8 weeks so they can discover & monetize their life’s purpose to make their first $1k online with the 3W Life blueprint.
This community is for you if you want to learn how to:
→ Snap out of urges instantly
→ Get to the root of p0rn addiction
→ Set boundaries for yourself & others
→ Control stress, anger & other self-sabotaging behaviors
→ Discover your why, what & how. Monetize it to make your first $1,000
What You Will Get Inside:
→ Network with other like-minded men for accountability & support (Priceless!)
→ Weekly masterminds with Mustafa & other guests ($500/ month value)
→ Monthly giveaway for 1:1 coaching ($1,000/month value)
→ Direct DM 1:1 support ($50 value)
→ A safe space to speak up
Total value = $1,550.
→ No bashing or shaming
→ 100% judgement-free zone
→ Private discussions are not to be shared outside of the group.
Master Your Dopamine 30
✅ Helping men over 30 quit their p0rn addiction
✅ To discover & monetize their, why, what & how
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