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Life & Money Sundays is happening in 24 hours
The Power of a Positive Outlook on Life
🌻 Fun Fact: Positive thinkers are more likely to form healthier habits, like regular exercise and balanced eating. 🥗 What say you? Do you agree or disagree?
😏Mood Check
What's your mood today? Each day, feel free to check-in and share your current mood with the community. This is intended to be a positive daily practice as we want to encourage those who need it and celebrate those that are already in a good place. Below are the mood emojis and their description. 1. Post the emoji that best describes your mood. 2. Then, optionally share a comment. 🤣 = Hysterically Happy 😃 = Happy Happy 😉 = I got a secret Happy 😍 = In LOVE with Myself 😊 = Glad to be Good 🤑 = Manifesting Money 🤗 = Positive Vibes Only 😐 = Regular 🙄 = Bored 🤧 = I don't feel well 😔 = Struggling to be Positive 🤔 = Questioning Life 😒 = Sad, but I don't want to be Note: Sometimes it requires vulnerability to post one's mood. So, in response, ONLY Loving and Kind and Positive and Encouraging Responses are welcomed. If for whatever reason you cannot say something powerfully encouraging; please DO NOT respond to posts.
Daily Mindset
Every day, I find myself growing more confident and stronger, ready to face whatever challenges come my way. Embracing this journey of self-improvement fuels my determination and resilience. What about you?
Daily Mindset
📢 Welcome! Introduce Yourself 👋
Thank you for Joining Mastering Inflation!!! Our community is ultimately designed to help you Change Your LIFE and MONEY together! I challenge you to learn a new life, money, or mindset strategy daily as you journey with us along the Mastering Inflation Yellow Brick Road! 1. Please Introduce yourself by copying & pasting this template in the comments below this post: What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do? (Military, Nurse, Teacher, Auto Worker, Government Worker, Corporate Worker, etc) What's your personal goal inside this community? What is your #1 money concern? What money question would you like us to answer in the future? What are you passionate about in life? Who is your favorite sports team? What triggered you to sign up? (Personal Invitation, Flyer, IG, Facebook, Skool, etc.?) If you were to start an online community, what type of community would you start? When you're ready, click here to start your very own Skool Community 2. Community Rules 👈 Let's keep the Community Fun and Positive! 3. MI Birthday Challenge 👈 Have fun while getting to know other Community Members! 4. Social Media & Leaderboard Challenge 👈 Share our Free Community and Earn More Money! 5. Community Support Challenge 👈 Support our Free Community and receive a Bonus!! 🤗 6. Take the poll below 👇 and tell us, "WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU?" This Poll helps us better understand our community members' needs.
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Mastering Inflation
Mastering Inflation is a Challenge-Focused Life, Money Management, and Financial Education Membership Program.
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