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Set Your Goals For The Week (16/09/24)
Set your goal for this week: Step 1: Comment your goal to achieve by next Monday - It must be tangible, measurable and within your control - It must act as a promise to yourself to keep you accountable - It can be as easy or hard as you like, main thing is that you achieve it - It will build the habit of setting and achieving goals. We climb our mountains step by step Step 2: DO. THE. WORK. - Do the action laid out in your goal - This is why your goal must be a set of actions that is under your control Step 3: Claim your victory and repeat step 1 - If you achieved your goal from last week, begin your comment below with "I hit my goal." - Then proceed with Step 1. - For bonus points, elaborate on how you achieved your goal this week and what you learned - This is a group activity to help support one another in achieving our dreams, week-by-week, goal-by-goal, action-by-action Let's win together... Support your fellow goal-setters and achievers... And let this serve as a reminder that the only way to fail is to give up.
New comment 1h ago
Start Here
Hi, and welcome to our community! The purpose of Max Business School is to make practical, effective education accessible for anyone to learn and empower themselves in their pursuit of freedom. The purpose of this community is to help each other through our courses and to motivate, support, and answer questions we might have. Tutors of the course as well as students who are further along the course are encouraged to help beginners with questions regarding anything being taught in our lessons. To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. Where you are from 3. Your goals for the course you're taking You will find our courses in the 'Classroom' tab at the top left of this page. Go there to get started! Lesson 1: See you in the comments!
New comment 3h ago
Start Here
Graduation - Trần Anh Mỹ
Congratulations Trần Anh Mỹ for finishing the course, here is your well-deserved certificate. Feel free to share your website with the group and you are welcome to help your fellow students as a graduate of the course. Thank you! *this post acts as verification of the certificate, you can share the post link as proof of completion
Graduation - Trần Anh Mỹ
Sticky Header
Is it possible to have sticky header just for one page?
New comment 18m ago
WordPress plugins
Hello everyone, Plz tell me how many plugins we can install in our one domain??
New comment 19m ago
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Max Business School™
A community for anyone to learn practical skills in their pursuit of freedom, for free.
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