Maximized Man Elite
Private group
6 members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded men, and all the tools & resources you need to achieve your health & fitness goals and live in your healthiest body
What you'll get inside:
✅ Video Courses: step-by-step process on how you can lose fat, build muscle and increase your testosterone levels naturally
✅ Meal Plan Guides: detailed meal plans that breakdown exactly what you need to eat and how much based on where you're at and what your goals are
✅ Grocery List: clear and concise breakdown as to what exactly you need to be buying from the grocery store
✅ Live Weekly Zoom Coaching Calls: ask Clark your direct coaching questions!
✅ ​Cooking Videos: meal walkthrough videos where I go through exactly what to eat and how to prepare each meal in under 10 minutes!
✅ Community: a committed group of other men who are motivated and on the same journey as you!
✅ ​Special Guest Interviews: hormone specialists, coaches, professional athletes, and more!
Maximized Man Elite
An exclusive community for men over 50 who want to lose fat, build lean muscle, and increase their testosterone levels naturally!
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