Bitch Slap Bad Habits.
Unlock at Level 1
Bitch Slap Bad Habits.
Learn how to hack your brain to eliminate bad habits!
Get Shit Done.
Unlock at Level 2
Get Shit Done.
Leverage the triggers your brain needs to create new habits.
Make it REAL
Unlock at Level 3
Make it REAL
Learn the ROCK SOLID way to make new habits CONCRETE.
Reprogram, Dammit.
Unlock at Level 4
Reprogram, Dammit.
Shine a light on & reprogram the unwanted thoughts that are holding you back.
Timeline Transformation
Unlock at Level 5
Timeline Transformation
Ride the timeline of your manifestation to reverse engineer the creation plan!
Erasing Emotional Blocks
Unlock at Level 6
Erasing Emotional Blocks
Erase the negative emotions that are blocking your manifestations.
Manifestation Tornado
Unlock at Level 7
Manifestation Tornado
This meditation will magnify your manifestation!
Become What You Seek
Unlock at Level 8
Become What You Seek
This hack will help you leap forward when embodying the feelings needed to attract your manifestation.
Quantum Jump to Your Successful Self.
Unlock at Level 9
Quantum Jump to Your Successful Self.
Step into the version of yourself that has already accomplished your dreams.
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