🚀 😍 How Microsoft Fabric & Purview Elevate Data Security
In today’s world, as organizations manage vast amounts of data across multiple platforms, the challenge is ensuring both accessibility and security. Microsoft Fabric and Microsoft Purview work together to provide a powerful, unified solution for data storage, analysis, classification, and governance.
💻 Microsoft Fabric allows organizations to efficiently store, analyze, and visualize large datasets in one integrated platform.
🔒 Microsoft Purview focuses on data governance, tracking where data comes from, how it’s used, and who has access to it, ensuring compliance.By combining these tools, businesses can manage their entire data ecosystem—from data storage to how it’s visualized in Power BI reports—all within the Microsoft ecosystem. This integrated approach ensures smooth operations, enhanced security, and centralized control over the entire data lifecycle.🔑 Sensitivity Labels: With Fabric’s sensitivity labels, data can be easily classified and protected across reports, dashboards, and datasets. A standout feature is downstream inheritance, which automatically applies these labels to any content derived from labeled data. This ensures your data remains secure, even when exported to formats like Excel or PowerPoint.
🔄 Seamless Data Protection: Fabric ensures labeled data remains secure, even when shared or exported. For example, if a Highly Confidential label is applied to a Power BI report, that label follows the data wherever it goes, ensuring continuous protection.
🛡️ Real-Time Monitoring & DLP: Using Purview Audit, admins can track and monitor all activity related to labeled data, helping ensure compliance and prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies automatically detect and safeguard sensitive information in real time, reducing the risk of data leakage.
🔍 End-to-End Security: Together, Fabric and Purview provide end-to-end data protection. From classifying data to auditing its usage, this integration ensures that organizations maintain a high level of security and compliance while fostering collaboration.With these capabilities, managing and safeguarding your organization’s sensitive data has never been easier. 💼🔒
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Sahar Radmehr
🚀 😍 How Microsoft Fabric & Purview Elevate Data Security
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