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56 contributions to Learn Microsoft Fabric
Enriching Data from a Database with User Generated Content
Wondering what strategies people like to use for merging data created from users with data pulled from a database. For example, if there is a list of transactions that your team provides comments or other info about and you want to merger the user comments with the transaction data, what is the best approach?
New comment 8d ago
2 likes • 8d
There are some discussions in this episode:
Create your CV in Power BI
Last week I landed a new job in a company in the forefront in Fabric (and Tabular Editor) in the Nordics. I think creating a CV in Power BI helped. Maybe you can find some inspiration from the one I created. Link to CV. Recently also How to Power BI released some ideas on this topic: Background: Coming from the Power BI/ user side, I have previously found it hard to apply for jobs, getting the following reply "we had a candidate with more database competence". I was about to send a CV in pdf, when I went to the grocery store and listened to Explicit Measures Podcast (recommended), where they advised to create it in Power BI to show your skills. Two days later, the CV was sent in Power BI and a few hours later the first interview was booked. Much more fun then creating a PDF. And no recruiters I talked to had seen this before and one said it was the most impressive he seen in 20 years (writing CVs is not my strength). They were all enthusiastic about it. Also used some statistics from this site to show my interest in Fabric (a comment I read from @Will Needham ). For improving it further, maybe I could add a hobby-project as well, such as getting data from Strava (to combine work and spare time interests). Good luck if you are looking for new opportunities.
New comment 26d ago
1 like • Aug 13
I submitted a mailbag question to Power BI tips on this topic. Great conversations on how to get the job you want in recent episode 345. Can also be found on Spotify:
1 like • 26d
@Nikola H I used publish to web and sent a link to the report. I guess HR often do not have desktop installed/license. I did not send a traditional pdf in addition, but it could be required by some companies. Then I would send both pdf and link
The fastest way to (really) learn Fabric
The DP-600 exam is great for giving you an appreciation for a wide range of topics, but does it really prepare you for life as an Analytics Engineer? From speaking with a few of you, it seems you don't feel ready or comfortable yet, which is completely understandable! The DP-600 tests your understanding of the theory, but in the real world, you are measured by your experience and ability to build solutions (how you can apply the theory). As such, I always advise for people to get hands-on as early and as frequently as possible. One of the best Microsoft resources is this list of hands-on exercises which guide you through a number of scenarios, and help you build confidence with the different tools that Fabric provides. Have you tried these resources yet? Let me know what you think! PS: I'm thinking about building a collection of hands-on tutorials which cover a lot of the core analytics engineering/ data engineering (and maybe wider?) tasks that you could expect in your career - would you find that useful?
Complete action
New comment Jul 12
The fastest way to (really) learn Fabric
2 likes • Jun 18
Absolutely! It would be great to have some excersises that goes more into the dept. Agree with @Akash R : Example with end-to-end from authorizing API, load using pipeline/ notebook, incremental loading/ SCD, all the way to semantic model and machine learning. Thinking myself to create a hobby project to practice some data engineering tasks, using Strava in my case.
Question around license and Power BI refresh
In my organisation, individual has Power BI Premium license but not fabric. We have created workspaces with Fabric capacity so we can develop Fabric in dev environment which is working fine at the moment. Once everything is developed and we need to push Power BI reports to workspaces with no Fabric capacity, therefore my question would be, for those Power BI reports with connections to Fabric datawarehouse/lakehouse, can others with no Fabric license trigger the refresh? If the answer is no, is there any workaround? Thanks
New comment Jun 5
0 likes • Jun 4
Interesting question. I assume they would need access to the SQL endpoint. But it should not be any Fabric license per user, so they should be in a security group with access to read the warehouse/ lakehouse. Are they also creating semantic models? Also, you can trigger a refresh of the semantic model as part of the pipeline, such that is always refreshed when the transformations are made (think it requires the model to be in Fabric Capacity). But you can have the semantic model in Fabric capacity workspace, and than thin reports from the semantic model in non-Fabric workspaces.
Passed DP 600!!
Happy to share I have passed the exam!🥳Thank you to the amazing DP 600 playlist @Will Needham , and the lot of learnings through the fantastic posts and discussions happening within this community❤️
New comment Jun 10
1 like • Jun 4
Congrats! @Vinayak K
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Eivind Haugen
355points to level up
BI Consultant. Insights. Visualization, Tabulator Editor and Fabric enthusiast

Active 3d ago
Joined Mar 12, 2024
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