4th and final free zoom was a success
Here are my take--away from all four.
-a lot of new folks (newish or brand new to online business) are here and could use our help getting through the basics
-sometimes a little encouragement is needed, I will do better about that
-we all learn from each other and communication and engagement is helpful in here. I hope all of you feel comfortable and confident posting in this community. If not, please reach out to me and I’ll do what I can to make it better
-big shout out to who is only a month into this and is doing a great job already!
-any legacy users in here that can chat with ? She is consistently showing up and improving her content but I think chatting with other legacy users would help a lot!(USE this community folks!-we truly are here for your success!)
-lastly, has is recently pivoted her target audience and is seeing big results from it. She has also offered to do “some” TikTok audits! That’s amazingly generous and I hope y’all will take her up on it! (Know this, ALL of you can audit someone’s account-just for learning. So audit those creators who you want to emulate!-learn from them what is and isn’t working)
I have so enjoyed getting to know some of you better. I am excited to help and also to rejoice in your wins! Thanks for being my beta group. Y'all helped me to grow too!
Mirandra McReady
4th and final free zoom was a success
I help Gen X women generate monthly recurring income by creating a paid membership teaching other's what they already know!
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