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11 contributions to MONEYMAVENS
Having a hard time
Hi all, I am still new to this ( just over a month) but I am having a hard time. I am not getting the type of engagement needed to make sales at all. I need to take a step back to learn more. I want to continue to post to keep myself out there but need to rethink my plan. Is this a bad idea? Any thoughts and advice are appreciated
New comment 4d ago
Changes-this is a long one folks
Good morning ladies! I've been a little absent from here and on TikTok for the past few days as I am working through some changes I feel are needed for this community to grow and be supported and for my own accounts. When I started this community, it was for Gen X (ish:) )women who were looking to build or grow a business online. That was to help you build your own business teaching others what you know using a subscription model. I still firmly believe this is one of the best business models for most of us. But, as time went on and folks started joining, I realized there was also a need for those of you just starting out in digital marketing alone--those of you who have just started in social media or just bought courses and have felt sort of lost as to how to grow and where to start. I have come to the conclusion that I will offer two things and will be adding a separate social media account. I will keep MoneyMavens as is, but will be having two separate sections in the classroom/calendar. One will be for MoneyMavens original, creating a business online using your existing hobbies, education or careers (education, templates, budgets, video tutorials and 1:1 offers). I will continue building that as I believe most of you who are taking and selling courses will eventually want to build out your own business outside of those with the education those courses offer. I will be adding in a new social media account, MM|ConvertAndGrow, which will focus completely on the basics of creating content, how to's, creating content that converts, marketing, growing your accounts, editing, branding, etc. This will be the solid foundation that you will need to build any business, even if you decide to remain in the digital products only business. Coming soon: Introduction to new TikTok account (MM|ConvertAndGrow), new email (current email is from my original business, girl_the_deal_is,-there will be only one email account for MoneyMavens moving forward, and I will create a separate post when I have secured that email address), an interview with one of our own @Robin Wight who can help any of you looking to grow with TikTok shop, and a paid membership offer to anyone looking for more individual 1:1 help (more details and a separate post for this as well).
New comment 4d ago
Changes-this is a long one folks
2 likes • 5d
Thank you! I know this will be so helpful!
4th and final free zoom was a success
Here are my take--away from all four. -a lot of new folks (newish or brand new to online business) are here and could use our help getting through the basics -sometimes a little encouragement is needed, I will do better about that -we all learn from each other and communication and engagement is helpful in here. I hope all of you feel comfortable and confident posting in this community. If not, please reach out to me and I’ll do what I can to make it better -big shout out to @Jeana Melazzi who is only a month into this and is doing a great job already! -any legacy users in here that can chat with @Erin Foster? She is consistently showing up and improving her content but I think chatting with other legacy users would help a lot!(USE this community folks!-we truly are here for your success!) -lastly, @Jenelle Livet has is recently pivoted her target audience and is seeing big results from it. She has also offered to do “some” TikTok audits! That’s amazingly generous and I hope y’all will take her up on it! (Know this, ALL of you can audit someone’s account-just for learning. So audit those creators who you want to emulate!-learn from them what is and isn’t working) I have so enjoyed getting to know some of you better. I am excited to help and also to rejoice in your wins! Thanks for being my beta group. Y'all helped me to grow too! M~
New comment 19d ago
4th and final free zoom was a success
2 likes • 19d
Thank you so much for doing these zooms. I learned so much and made friends with you all also. The support and ideas from you ladies has made starting this adventure a lot less scary !
Post audit
Hi ladies I’m just getting started posting and not feeling very confident about what I have so far and would love some advice. My TikTok name is jmelamarketing. But my user name is still jmelamoolah (can’t change that till the 17😂). I really want to make this work and appreciate any tips.
New comment 24d ago
0 likes • 24d
@Erin Foster thank you 😊
2 likes • 24d
@Mirandra McReady thank you for all your support. I am sure I would’ve struggled much more if not for your help 😊
FREE Beginners Zoom Call-3rd week!
Good afternoon, my friends! I hope this week is off to a great start for you. Tomorrow night's Zoom Call will be the 3rd of the 4 FREE calls. I have some basics we can cover, but I would like to open this call up to discuss your particular pain points. Feel free to drop those below and let's discuss how to get each of you moving forward on your journey and on your way to having a lucrative online business! Since only a few of you that originally signed up have shown up for these calls, I am happy to open this one up to all in our group. Drop your questions or your concerns below and let's get you over the next hump! I look forward to seeing all of you! M~
New comment 26d ago
1 like • 27d
I will be there!
1-10 of 11
Jeana Melazzi
42points to level up
I am just getting started with this new journey. Nervous but very excited and determined!

Active 23h ago
Joined Aug 8, 2024
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