FREE Beginners Zoom Call-3rd week!
Good afternoon, my friends!
I hope this week is off to a great start for you.
Tomorrow night's Zoom Call will be the 3rd of the 4 FREE calls. I have some basics we can cover, but I would like to open this call up to discuss your particular pain points. Feel free to drop those below and let's discuss how to get each of you moving forward on your journey and on your way to having a lucrative online business!
Since only a few of you that originally signed up have shown up for these calls, I am happy to open this one up to all in our group.
Drop your questions or your concerns below and let's get you over the next hump!
I look forward to seeing all of you!
Mirandra McReady
FREE Beginners Zoom Call-3rd week!
I help Gen X women generate monthly recurring income by creating a paid membership teaching other's what they already know!
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