Mini Course-Choosing your space (or, niche-ick!)
Hey my friends.
Those of you who know me or have caught my "lives", you know that I HATE (and I do not use that word lightly), the word NICHE. I feel it is overused, and that it is intimidating and can cause new folks to get stuck-unnecessarily.
I truly believe that your area of expertise, your passions, your gifts, your field, your space, will choose you. You already have it within you, but sometimes we need assistance getting to it. I am working on a mini course for identifying your area of expertise so that you can begin finding your audience, and begin creating an online business that you will look forward to waking up to each day and will go to sleep dreaming about each night.
If you are struggling with your "niche" or identifying what you would enjoy doing every day, forever, would you be interested in a mini course? I would keep it short and sweet because in the beginning, we are bombarded with so much information, so much knowledge, so much new input that it can be overwhelming. I want this to help quiet some of that noise.
Let me know if you have an interest. Let me know if you have specific questions. I will add what I can to the course so we can all be up and running so that 2024 is the year we start doing and not just thinking!
Here's to your success, my friends!
Mirandra McReady
Mini Course-Choosing your space (or, niche-ick!)
I help Gen X women generate monthly recurring income by creating a paid membership teaching other's what they already know!
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