Happy Sunday, ladies.
I hope your weekend has been long, relaxing or productive--whatever you wished for!
I have created a separate tiktok account and renamed my current account.
Now, for those of you who are looking to grow your following and create content that converts, my original tiktok that you are following has been renamed, MM|ConvertAndGrow.
For those of you who are ready to create your own business, right here on Skool, I have created a new account Mirandra|MoneyMavens. I will start creating content around how this is possible and what you can do to get started. I hope y'all will show me some love over there and be patient while I build up that account!
I have created a new email account and I hope all of you will check your SPAM folders and make sure you mark it as safe so you don't miss anything I think is important enough to email (I try to limit emails when possible).
I will start working on clarifying the classroom portion so that you know where to go for what.
Coming soon, a paid weekly zoom group call and a free blueprint to get you started for both groups.
Please note I pinned something to the top of this chat---one of our members is offering a free website design to build up her portfolio--that is an AWESOME offer and I hope you will take her up on it! Thank you for your generosity!
Have a fantastic week!
Mirandra McReady
I help Gen X women generate monthly recurring income by creating a paid membership teaching other's what they already know!
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