What are you needing?
Good morning, my new friends. What is it that you need to get started growing or building a business online?
One on one? Help choosing your niche? Help selecting something you can sell (service or products)? A course? What are you looking for so I can make sure we provide it here.
I would like to line up some guest speakers on here and even some group calls, but I would need to know what your specific roadblock is to be the most helpful to you.
From reading the intro's (from those of you who were kind enough to leave them), I've been able to determine that you are ready. If you could make a post about your particular situation, I will cater this experience to you!
Here's to your success, my friends!
Mirandra McReady
What are you needing?
I help Gen X women generate monthly recurring income by creating a paid membership teaching other's what they already know!
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