As an experienced financial coach of 20+ years, I help entrepreneurs needing a MoneyRelationShift™️ to stretch beyond your current money patterns to become the Master of Your Money.
Despite making money, you may struggle, like I did, with giving away your money power to other people. That's a pattern I call Abdication. There are five more patterns, only one of which is ideal. More money is not always the solution.
Stop Orbiting. Start growing according to the pattern of divine growth that is your birthright.
Learn the Seven Steps to Make a MoneyRelationShift™️
I help impact-driven entrepreneurs:
⚡who want to better align their money behaviors with their purposes and priorities
⚡who feel stuck, stressed, or stupid with money despite their achievements
⚡who are willing to put in the work & use the tools for transformation
⚡who are committed to pass it on.
Join to learn your own money patterns, how to escape the harmful patterns, reposition and optimize your relationship with money, for good! 🔆