How to Have NO Clients
Why on earth would I want to have no clients? Hold on you'll see!
Charlie Munger, one of the best investors of our time, talks about the process of Inversion Thinking. This is a concept that takes advantage of how our brains are preprogrammed to look for the worst outcomes. We evolved to stay alive but not to thrive, this is why we can easily recall and recognize negative experiences. Therefore, Inversion Thinking is the process of taking the end goal and thinking of all the ways to guarantee the opposite negative outcome.
In the Lawn Care and Landscaping Industry what do you need to be successful? Likely clients and a lot of them hopefully! Otherwise having a good crew or a bunch of equipment does not matter if you have no work to actually be done. Using the process of inversion thinking rather than thinking about how to have/get a lot of clients, let's think about 9 ways to have no clients!
  1. Never Start - Don't even leave your house or post online. Someone might figure out you have a business.
  2. Don't be Consistent - If you did happen to start a business for sure do not continue doing anything that could possibly work. If you are too consistent you could accidentally have success. Randomize the schedule as much as possible, show up when it's convenient for you.
  3. Never Respond - Somehow someone knows about your business, make sure they never hear back from you when they contact you. If you must contact them back make sure you are very slow to respond. 
  4. Bad Offer - Make sure you do not offer services they are looking for. Price your services far too expensive. Never have room on your schedule to take more work.
  5. No Follow Ups - Once the estimate is sent, ghost the client at all costs. Never do any follow up calls or texts
  6. Poor Quality - Once the job has finally got on the schedule, make sure to do a terrible job. Better yet do not even complete the job.
  7. Poor Customer Service - Surely after doing a bad job you should not acknowledge it. You should avoid contact with the customer at all costs. 
  8. Build Negative Word of Mouth/Reviews - Make sure you keep doing poor work and screwing clients over. You are the business owner so make sure you come out on top in all scenarios regardless of the outcome with the client. Pray for those 1 star google reviews! 
  9. Don’t Market - NEVER brand your trucks or wear company uniforms. Do not share information about your company and do everything you can to keep it a secret. If you have to market, target areas where people do not buy or you do not service.
Now that we know how to not have any clients. Let's invert this list and figure out how to have all the clients!
  1. Start Now - Get out and make your business known to the public! Don't wait for tomorrow because it's not guaranteed. 
  2. Consistency is Key - Schedule on a consistent frequency, your clients should know when you'll be there. If something is working in your business don't stop! Repeated simple successful actions over time compound into outstanding results. 
  3. Respond Promptly - Make sure you answer immediately to prevent them from looking for another provider. If they are already your client, take action fast to address any concerns or requests.
  4. Amazing Offer - Price it competitively and reasonably. Make sure you have room on the calendar to service the client in a normal amount of time. Provide tons of value with your service and go above and beyond. 
  5. Follow up - Ask for the sale! If they have reached out to inquire about work make sure you get a yes or a no from them. Be easy to reach and stay consistent on daily follow ups, you never know when someone is busy or you might catch them at the right time!
  6. Perfect Quality - Have a crew that takes ownership of their quality and pride in the work they perform. Avoid call backs at all costs! Make sure the accepted estimate aligns with the work that was performed.
  7. Excellent Customer Service - If something does go wrong, own up to it and fix it promptly. Be able to be easily reached for as many hours of the day as possible. 
  8. Positive Word of Mouth/Reviews - Make it easy for the team to collect google reviews by giving them QR code business cards. Make sure quality and customer service is up to par so people will want to refer their friends. 
  9. Make Your Business Known - Market to the right people at the right time for the right services. Brand, match the trucks and uniforms. Also be active online and offline. 
Can you think of any other ways to have NO clients? Let me know in the comments!
Connor Hutchison
How to Have NO Clients
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