What's Your Biggest Struggle? EVERYONE COMMENT!!!
This isn't just fitness related. Open up about anything that's weighing on you. This is not a place of judgment. This is where we can be vulnerable as men and actually lift each other up. Most men don't open up about these things. And if you do that you are basically guaranteeing that you will always struggle with that issue.
I will start, I struggle with Social Anxiety. I don't like a lot of social situations, i don't like to communicate with people regularly, and thats help me back A LOT in business and its been something thats been difficult for me to shake. Even though i know i need to have certain conversations i will put them off. Or not text someone back because i get anxiety about it for some reason. Its stupid. And i know it is. Because everytime i just talk to people good things happen.
So thats my number one thing i'm working on this year. Being a better communicator and getting over my social anxiety completely! . What's yours??
Alfredo Gutierrez
What's Your Biggest Struggle? EVERYONE COMMENT!!!
Muscles & Mindset
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