Must Become Legion
Private group
1 member
$49 /month
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to overcome mindset barriers, gain accountability, and master productivity tools to achieve your goals as quickly as possible.
What you'll get inside:
✅ Laying the Foundation Module $2,997
✅ Mastering Self-Discipline Module $3,997
✅ Tools for Efficiency Module $4,997
✅ Building Accountability Module $2,997
✅ Sustaining Change Module $3,997
✅ Weekly Executive-Level Q&A Calls $1,999/month
✅ Bonus: Monthly Mastermind Call $2,497/month
✅ Bonus: Must Become Community Priceless
TOTAL VALUE: $23,481
Access For Just $49/month
🤝 100% Money Back Guarantee (No Questions Asked)
⏰ The Price Is Going Up Soon to $99/month (Limited Spots Left)
🚨Limited Bonus for First 200 Members: Chat Support directly with Spencer
🚨 First 20 Members Get Free 1-on-1 Call With Spencer
Must Become Legion
Executive-level systems to achieve all your financial, personal, and entrepreneurial goals.
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