Narrative Strategy
Private group
1 member
Secret societies manipulate world events; intelligence agencies steer global politics; and perhaps most spectacularly, Hollywood writers and marketers influence our culture, dreams, and decisions. They control the narrative using ancient, repeatable frameworks—which you can learn.
Our mission is to gather, discuss, and organize the world’s most powerful narrative concepts and integrate them with the art of strategy to uncover, learn, and craft tactics and strategic plays for use in business, leadership, storytelling, and life.
You'll gain a strategic advantage as we dive into:
  • Narrative
  • Psychology
  • World Building
  • Storytelling Tactics
  • Strategic Principles
  • Patterns and Symbolism
  • Identity, Character and Archetypes
  • + more
This is a community for thinkers, creatives, and craftsmen who are not only curious about Narrative Strategy but also—if they choose—can contribute to its evolution within our community.
Join the group—stay in Wonderland, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
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Narrative Strategy
Through Narrative, Power—Immerse yourself in strategic principles, narrative concepts, and storytelling tactics to influence, persuade, and transform.
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