New Intellectuals Community
Public group
1 member
$5 /month
Who are the New Intellectuals? Those who:
1. Are willing to think
2. Know that man’s life must be guided by reason
3. Value their own life
4. Do not surrender to the cult of despair
5. Do not surrender the world to the Dark Ages and to the rule of the brutes.
Our community allows its members to build a practical, holistic and powerful mindset that helps them build prosperity and wellbeing into their lives and the lives of those they deem worthy.
The community is based on the philosophy of Objectivism which is created by Ayn Rand. You may have heard of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, two of Ayn Rand's bestsellers.
Our community offers its members knowledge on the following topics:
• Philosophy and mindset
• Self-knowledge, self-exploration and meditativeness (includes techniques for mind & stress management)
• English, French and Hebrew
• Sexuality
• Basics of Digital Literacy (digital presence, making of online content strategically)
Join our community and become a co-creator!
New Intellectuals Community
New Intellectuals Community for Learning & Prosperity is about building our minds in a practical & pragmatic way to bring prosperity & wellbeing.
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