New Wealth Academy
Private group
1 member
Welcome to New Wealth Academy!
Thank everyone for joining me on this journey to health, wisdom & wealth!
This Academy is for people who ultimately have the gift of perseverance.
I did not start off in life rich nor did I have a lot of knowledge due to my environment.
Today, there are no excuses for me to reach my fitness, knowledge and financial goals!
I am on the right path of grabbing what is mine and I want to bring you along for the journey!
First lesson, do not believe what anyone says. Whether it is good or bad, get this rule instilled deep in your head.
Because you end up limiting yourself.
If someone says you can't make a million dollars in a year, it's not true because you're letting them set your limitations.
If someone says you can only make a million dollars per year and believe it, you're still letting them set your limitations even if it sounds positive.
Let's become stronger, wiser and richer together!
New Wealth Academy
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