Jul '23 (edited) in Mindset
The Thai sense of humor is next level!
I just posted this video in a comment before, but it's too good not to have a post of its own.
One of the things I like most about Thai people is their sense of humor!
It's very British, think self deprecating banter!
They have zero problems calling you 'fat man', 'bald man', or whatever they find amusing in Thai, right to your face with a great big smile.
You see, this humor is everywhere, even in their TV ads.
A word of caution - if you can't take a joke or are easily offended (Americans cough cough), Thailand might not be a good fit for you.
If you're planning on spending time here, you'd better pack your sense of humor and leave your political correctness at home!
Brett Dev
The Thai sense of humor is next level!
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