Upskilling; Which 'remote' skillsets are most in-demand?
Hi guys. I am considering applying for work as a UI designer, or UX designer. I applied for some of these jobs in the past, but I didn't get any joy. I recall being being tripped up in an interview with some nuanced tech questions to do with @media break points (min-width vs max-width) and page loading speed.
I can work with HMTL and CSS. My weakness is Javascript, but I will learn it, IF... it's worth the time investment.
Before I start upskilling, going on potentially expensive Front End Engineer training courses, I wanted to test the water to see if freelancers/workers with this skillset are already oversaturated.
I was going to just ask about UI/UX design opportunities... but i think it would be more helpful to ask a much broader question... to work out which 'remote work' skills are the most 'IN DEMAND'.
Please can you complete the Poll below? ... Thank you :)
UI / UX Designer (Front End)
CRM software; Hubspot / Saleforce admin
Video Editor
Social Media Marketer
Web Developer (Back End)
Graphic Design; for Social Media marketing
Graphic Design; for Video thumbnails
Graphic Design; for Other (please explain in comments)
Other (please explain in comments)
8 votes
Toby Barnes
Upskilling; Which 'remote' skillsets are most in-demand?
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