Mar 26 (edited) in Skills
Want to Make Your Writing Irresistible?
Ever try and write emails, marketing copy, Nomad School posts :) and realise no one takes any notice?
You spend hours crafting emails, sales vids, or copy, but it all just seems to fall on deaf ears.
It’s proper annoying, right?
You're trying to grab attention, but it feels like no one's listening.
Well, here's a wicked app I've been using that might just sort this out for you:
You chuck your text into it, and it acts like an editor, showing you where your writing's losing its way.
But here’s why I love it and what actually makes it unique from any other editor out there...
It helps you dumb down your writing.
Yes, dumb it down!
Because, when you're writing marketing copy you wanna keep it simple.
Aiming for that American 7th to 8th-grade reading level (or lower) is where it’s at...
You want people to actually read what you write.
Yes, if you're wondering, I did write this post using the Hemingway app.
The free version is awesome, but if you're a serious writer then the Plus version with its AI is worth it.
It’s like having a personal editor - for free!
Give it a try and let me know how you like it in the comment or if you already use it.
Brett Dev
Want to Make Your Writing Irresistible?
Nomad School
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