. So great to have you join us! Please do introduce yourselves and feel free to include a screenshot of a page in your workspace you're proud of!
One of the great benefits of being early is that you get great access, there's not a lot of noise and our open calls are not yet too busy. So if you've got any questions, problems to work through, ideas to explore then jump into our AMA later on today. It's at 8pm AEDT (+11 GMT) at this Google Meet link - https://meet.google.com/kyi-rhve-xrn
Also if you've ever wondered about how you can take advantage of Notion's mobile app then check out my Mobile Builds? post from earlier https://www.skool.com/notion/mobile-builds?p=c6b6492c. I share one of my most useful personal Notion mobile builds that halves my time grocery shopping each week. 🛒