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Smooth Ops Notion Lab

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10 contributions to Smooth Ops Notion Lab
How to store public and private information together in your Notion workspace
Hey everyone, hope you're having a good week! @Tomas Maruccio and @Les Gramantik were having an interesting chat about privacy and security in Notion so I thought I'd chime in and share something with you all. There's an elegant solution to storing public and private information together in your Notion workspaces but it can be tricky to work out how to do it on your own. I hope this helps.
New comment 2d ago
How to store public and private information together in your Notion workspace
0 likes • 2d
That’s absolutely incredible I have just had a “error” and this is what was happening had a database with some banks and I needed to make a flow because sales had to take track of how many transactions but could not have access to financial data, and when I made a formula to have some alerts because the sales people didn’t have access the formula was different for them with this I understand it a bit better. Just in case is there a way to make a formula so a limited access user can see an alert o some formula with higher access level data?
Improving Privacy and Security in Notion: Seeking Solutions
I'm looking for ways to enhance privacy and security in Notion. I often face the challenge of managing databases where I need to grant access to different users, but the owner wants to ensure limited access to certain information. So far, I've been using formulas and locking pages, but I've noticed that anyone with access can use the /table command to view the entire database. Has anyone encountered this issue and found a reliable way to handle it? Any tips or workarounds would be greatly appreciated!
New comment 22h ago
1 like • Aug 18
@Les Gramantik My team and I are developing a login system for databases, but it is embedded. It may be a bit less aesthetically pleasing, but it is our first step towards advanced security and permissions.
How to Set Prices for Notion Services?
I’ve been offering free Notion services to train myself and validate my effectiveness, and my clients are happy and actively using the systems I’ve set up. Now, I’m looking to start charging for my services. How should I determine the right pricing for the Notion systems I execute to attract new clients? What factors should I consider to ensure my prices are competitive yet profitable? Any insights or experiences would be greatly appreciated!
New comment 29d ago
1 like • Aug 10
Thanks for sharing your approach! It really resonates with me—finding that balance where you're comfortable with how you're charging is key. I'm still figuring out what works best for me, but your method of setting a fair hourly rate and adjusting based on demand makes a lot of sense. I'm definitely going to keep that in mind as I refine my pricing. Appreciate the insight!
Smooth Ops Framework
I think I've found a way to empower people to build their own digital systems. Of course it's still challenging, but nothing insurmountable. I've boiled it all down to what I'm calling the Smooth Ops Framework. It's not officially launching yet but I figured since it's early days in here and we still have pretty low traffic I'll share it and see what you think. It's the process I use with my consulting clients. Mostly I hand hold them through it, mostly they don't even realise we're taking these particular steps. But I'm pretty sure anyone can follow it. In fact today I ran my first session of a new cohort style course I'm going to offer soon, walking someone through the first phase. We're going to spend the next couple of months trialing it and learning so it's super polished before I offer it more broadly. Anyway here are the phases. The first 4 are linear, they have to be done in order. After that you can kind of choose your own adventure. In fact they work best if you let them feed into one another, inform and improve each other. Clarify Business Systems: Identify and define the key business systems and processes, ensuring a clear understanding of their purpose and function. Map Current Digital Operating System: Document the digital tools used and align them with the business processes to map the current digital operating system. Design Workspace Framework: Develop a detailed framework for the workspace, identifying components, attributes, and their relationships. Build Notion Databases: Create the necessary databases, relations, properties and templates within Notion to support the designed framework. Craft Notion Interfaces: Design and refine interfaces in Notion to ensure a user-friendly and effective workspace. Integrate Digital Operating System: Connect the Notion workspace with other tools across the web for seamless operation. Setup Automations: Identify appropriate processes for automation and design them to enhance accuracy and efficiency. Leverage AI:
New comment Jul 27
Smooth Ops Framework
1 like • Jul 27
I think it's very accurate, Good Job!
Is anyone interested in integrating other digital tools with Notion?
One area of building digital operating systems that is super fun and ridiculously useful is integrating other digital tools with your Notion workspace. I spent this morning building a workflow for a client that allows them to connect a Jotform their clients fill in with their Notion workspace that they use to project manage the events. Is anyone interested in a demo of how you can do this?
New comment Jul 20
1 like • Jul 20
Yes!!! I currently have a developer on the team who is creating custom widgets to integrate within Notion. We started a week ago, and so far we have a calculator and a currency converter for an international finance module. Looking forward to explore integrations!
1 like • Jul 20
@Tim Jeffries we are using Zapier for know, I was going to try out Pipedream. I’ve never heard about Relay, gonna check that out!
1-10 of 10
Tomas Maruccio
40points to level up
Notion Developer

Active 2d ago
Joined Jun 30, 2024
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