Notion Skool weekly wrap!
Big welcome to our new members this week!
So great to have you guys join us. We'd love to get to know you a little more so please 🙏 introduce yourselves and help us understand how we can support you in your Notion journey.
Also check out the latest info in the Classroom where Jay and I have been busy creating content we think you'll find helpful.
And please come and join our AMA and Build Together calls. They're the perfect chance for you to jump on and ask any question or get help with any Notion problem! Usually I charge a premium for 1:1 sessions but as it's super early days in the community these calls are very quiet so make the most of it and have your own consulting session!
Thanks for being here, looking forward to sharing the Notion journey further!
Tim Jeffries
Notion Skool weekly wrap!
Smooth Ops Notion Lab
We help entrepreneurs smooth and scale their operations with Notion.
Hosted by Certified Notion Consultant, Tim Jeffries.
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