Write something
Reviews please...
For any of you who are clients, we would love you to boost Tim's profile on the Notion consultants site and write a small review for us. The more we have, the more we go to the top of the line! Thanks in advance! Also hope for a 5star rating...hehehe...please! Write a Review
Our family roadtrip πŸš— πŸ›£
Life can't only be about doing cool things with business systems so @Jay Jeffries and I have taken our four kids on a roadtrip up the east coast of Australia. We're almost 2 weeks in, we've had some disasters and adventures and have now reached the Gold Coast πŸ–. Sadly it super rainy and kind of cold but we aren't at home and we are living the caravan life! Anyone else doing some travel at the moment?
New comment Jul 8
Our family roadtrip πŸš— πŸ›£
Welcome new folk
Welcome everyone new to the group this week. Our most recent member is @Hung Dinh! Please introduce yourself and tell everyone how you hope to use Notion in your business.
Community reboot!
Hey everyone, thanks for being here. Apologies for the long delay in posts and activity. I realised after initially creating this community that I had to get a few other ducks in a line before I could consistently add value here. The good news is that's done and we're ready to roll. Looking forward to sharing the journey of building our businesses digital operating systems in Notion with you all!
New comment Jul 2
Community reboot!
Facelift incoming
Hey everyone, great to have you here with us in this community. As you know this is a new community that we're experimenting with to see how we can offer the most value for people on their Notion journey. I went heavy on the Notion branding to begin with but unfortunately need to wind that back a bit due to Notion's brand guidelines. So you'll see a new look to the group over the next little while that is more in line with the Notion consulting work we do. This group will remain free and focussed on helping you learn and make the most of Notion.
Facelift incoming
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Smooth Ops Notion Lab
We help entrepreneurs smooth and scale their operations with Notion.
Hosted by Certified Notion Consultant, Tim Jeffries.
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