Speedrun from €0 to €10K Update and Challenge!!
I just wrapped up a big step in my journey today, and I’m challenging YOU to do the same! 🎯
If you’ve been feeling stuck or unsure about your next move, this is your sign—it’s time to make your vision board. 💡 And trust me, this is more than just a “cute” activity; it’s about getting super clear on what you want and keeping your goals front and center.
Here’s how to do it, and it’s super simple:
  1. Step 1: Write down your big goals. Think finance, relationships, career, personal growth—everything that really matters to you.
  2. Step 2: Head over to Pinterest and search for images that bring your goals to life. Dream clients? Lifestyle vibes? Motivational quotes? Pin them all!
  3. Step 3: Put it all together. You can make it digital or go old school and print them out, whatever feels right for you.
This vision board will be your reminder of what you're aiming for and keep you laser-focused when things get tough. I can’t tell you how powerful it feels to see your goals staring back at you every day.
As for me, I’ve just finished writing down my goals—finance, relationships, and career development—and mapped out my strategy. I’ve decided to split my efforts 50/50 between personal branding and pitching. With my vision board complete and my goals crystal clear, I’m READY to go after it! 🔥
Now, here’s the real challenge: make your board, post it in the community, and let’s hold each other accountable. Let’s see the goals you're working toward so we can cheer you on!
This is about YOUR journey, and your vision matters. So, take 15 minutes today and make that vision board. Ready to crush it with me? 💪
Drop it in the comments when you’re done—I can’t wait to see what you’re aiming for! 🙌
Nyomi Gootjes
Speedrun from €0 to €10K Update and Challenge!!
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