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Open Doors: Open Forum is happening in 7 days
Linkedin: Personal Branding Masterclass
1 HR masterclass with Christ Ritson, this guy is a super valuable teacher with plenty of years doing what so many of us do.
Linkedin: Personal Branding Masterclass
200% month
This month has been a big one for the day job. A bad one for Open Doors. I’ve been travelling a lot and therefore this has taken the back burner. Keen to hear about what’s going on with everyone and how you manage balancing priorities.
New comment Jul 2
When the doors been opened... some thoughts on positioning
Interesting chat with someone yesterday asking about positioning an Observability platform. By the time we'd finished our chat it helped me to recognise some common language (and themes) I've been using when positioning Observability, Security and/ or Software Engineering enablement across various roles. 1. Everything is based on change, driving it or managing the risk of it 2. (we know) change is constant 3. Most of the discovery calls in these areas follow the same structure 4. 👆🏽so do the questions 👇🏽 Questions : 1. Which Digital Services in your org drive the most revenue? 2. Which are the 3 most critical Digital Services with your org? (there will be overlap with Q1) 3. What are the implications to performance degradation (observability) or when/ if security vulnerabilities are exploited (Security) 4. How do you manage / monitor / track this? 5. Does this approach allow you to baseline what good looks like? At this point we can bring change in... 1. Where do you expect these Digital services to be over next 12-18 months - any plans for change? 2. 👆🏽 IF THEY SAY NONE THEY'RE LYING OR NOT MANAGING DIGITAL SERVICES APPROPRIATELY ⚠️ 3. If you're successful in these initiative what has changed for you org, the people around you and/or in you and your role 4. 👆🏽These are the nuggets - the things that are most important to the org AND the individuals within - including your stakeholder 5. Once you have an idea of the roadmap/ backlog of changes coming that's where the opportunity 💰 is at! Positioning... 1. If we can measure it we can monitor it... (forgive the cliché) 2. Firstly, lets baseline 'as is' state 3. As you go through the various projects (changes) we can track security posture/ observe performance or degradation or frequency of releases and/or software engineering teams efficiency and effectiveness 4. You know what they want to achieve from discovery and identification of whats important personally and organisationally - now track it and make them (you) successful
SDR Comp Plan
Saw this post on LinkedIn, what're your thoughts?
Rules To Live By
Master Your Strengths 🎯 - Do more of what you're best at:💡 If calling is your superpower, make those calls! Optimize, Don't Overhaul 🔄 - Never rebuild entire sequences:🔬 Optimize them based on A/B testing. Small tweaks, big wins! Target Smartly 🎯 - 99% of performance is in targeting the right accounts:🚀 - Ignore the rest. Laser focus on the goldmine! Educate, Don’t Just Sell 🧠 - 3% of companies are in the market right now:📚 The job is to help educate the rest, not sell to them. - Be their trusted advisor Human Touch Matters 🤝 - Once you've spoken to someone, never put them in an automated sequence:🤖 Keep it personal. Automation can’t replace human connection! Results Over KPIs 📈 - Focus on results, not on KPIs:🥇 Results matter more than the metrics. Keep your eye on the prize! Build Your Brand 🚀 Get LOUD - building a personal brand online has never been more critical to booking meetings:📢 Make some noise! Your brand is your secret weapon.
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