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Live Webinar Training
I'm planning on doing live webinar training to help assist anyone that wants it. I'll update using this channel on when and what time.
FREE Intro Beginner's Course Module's are Completed ! 🥳
First off, thank you for joining OTZ and I hope you are learning something valuable. I just finished uploading the rest of the Intro modules with almost 9 hours of FREE content. Please ask any questions or provide any constructive feedback so I can improve the modules. This is my first time doing this! 😀
Welcome 🥳 ( Important Information ! )
Welcome to Optimum Trading Zone! I've recorded an important video for you to review. It covers exactly how to get the most out of this community. Please remember, promoting or posting jobs is not allowed. This includes all forms of advertising, both direct and indirect, public or private. Breaking this rule may result in an immediate, permanent ban without warning. ⚠️ We uphold high standards for post quality. Posts that don't meet these standards will be removed. Ensure your posts are well-written, detailed, and include images and Loom videos. 🎥 If you come across any posts that are of low quality or contain promotions, please report them to the admins. I'll be looking forward to seeing all your introduction posts and videos! Let's get to work! PS: Leave a comment below, introduce yourself, and share a picture of your workspace to complete the action and get points!
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Optimum Trading Zone
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