You have to love the chaos. You have to love the war. You have to love the idea of all the constant problems you have to fix. You have to love being the center of a mini universe you have created and it’s going to implode under its own gravity if you’re not there doing constant Aikido. That’s how kings have always felt. Do you think Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Ghengis Khan did not feel that, when he’s getting all these reports from thousands of miles that his borders are being attacked by this unknown group of bandits and he’s at constant war in seven different directions and his wife’s probably complaining at the same time and his favorite horse just died and he’s walking around doing Mongolian aikido. Of course he was. That’s all anyone who’s been important has ever done. If you’re looking for calm and peace, you won’t matter. You got to be about it. People were talking about how do you decide or how do you know if someone’s going to be monumentally successful in the world and everyone knows because there’s been large studies on it that IQ level is not how you dictate it, I’ll tell you how you dictate it, someone’s tolerance to stress. The better you are at dealing with stress, the more successful you will be, because as you climb up the ladder, the stress level increases. So it’s a direct positive correlation between success and stress. They go together. There’s no light without dark. The more money you’ve been paid, the more important you are, and the bigger your problems are. They say more money, more problems, it goes together. Therefore, as you get bigger, and larger, larger and larger, the pressure is heavier and heavier, so go deeper in the ocean and as you go deeper in the ocean of success, the pressure around you gets stronger. Only the strongest submarines can make it to the bottom. You have to build yourself, build your skills, and build your network. Decide to become the type of person who adopts as many problems as he can solve as possible so once they’re all solved, he reaps the rewards and builds a fantastically large empire with so much money.