VIP Quantum Leap - Community
Private group
44 members
$499 /month
Want to speak on my next event?
If you are building a "perfect webinar" and want the practice delivering it, you might be a "perfect speaker" for my next event.
To start the process of being considered:
1) Get on my list here:
2) Send me an email "I want to speak on your next event"
I will reply with next steps.
If you do NOT receive a response within 48 hours, find me on insta
Please DO NOT email more than once.
Please DO NOT use skool chat.
I don't like chat or repeated emails, I have to protect my time and mind.
Anyhow, if you want to do this:
1) Get on my list here:
2) Send me an email "I want to speak on your next event"
If instead you want to just check out what I teach and how I do it:
VIP Quantum Leap - Community
Group Closed to the Public - This is Inner Circle Pricing Only
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