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Welcome, Welcome.
Hey guys, welcome. I'm JT, the creator of the group and I just wanted to say thank you for being here. It means a lot to me as this is something I have looked forward to for over 5 years now and it's finally here. Can't wait to meet all of you guys. Introduce yourselves in the comments!!! Really looking forward to helping everyone become better creators and make more money so everyone can get to that next level in their lives. Let me know what your goals are too in the comments! Welcome to Paid2Create โ™ฅ๏ธ
New comment Mar 7
Welcome, Welcome.
New Lens Alert โ€ผ๏ธ
Just picked up the 35mm 1.4 G-Master Excited about this one ๐Ÿ‘€ Whatโ€™re you guys shooting with? Whatโ€™s your favorite lens to use? This might become mine from the looks of the footage so far.
The 1 Message That Made Me $10,000
Wanted to share this with you guys because this one message made me $10,000 almost immediately. Making money as a creative really comes down to this one thing: knowing how to sell yourself. If you read through the message, you can see how I painted the picture for him by bringing up past successes and also pushing away by saying "take some time to think about it" He originally wanted to spend less than $5,000 - so how did I get him to double that? By increasing the perceived value. I painted the BIG picture for him. And because of that, the value in his head went up. Not to mention, after seeing the result of the work, he offered me a $12,000/month contract that I ended up not taking because I had some other things going on. So if you really think about it, that message was worth $144,000/year + the initial $10,000. This is not the first time I've done this. I've seen this work over and over and over again. Anyways, this is a message that you guys can use. Take it as a template and put your own twist on it. And if you have any questions, I'm always here to help. Ask away!
New comment Mar 8
The 1 Message That Made Me $10,000
How You Can Make $100,000+ As A Creative
Shot this video tonight for everyone. Getting to the 6-figure mark is not as far away for you as you might think. If there's one thing I know, it's this: The same amount of time an energy you put into a $3,000/month the same amount of time and energy you put into a $15,000+ per month client. It's just that you're thinking to small. And I don't blame you. The world has always told us to "get a real job"..."go to college and get a degree"..."you're going to be a starving artist"... But little did they know, these skillsets we're building as creatives are some of the most valuable and sought after abilities TODAY. Right now. EVERYONE needs content. And that's why I'm here to push you to level up as a creative and start getting paid what you're really worth so you can enjoy life on your terms and do what you love at the same time.
New comment Mar 8
How You Can Make $100,000+ As A Creative
Everyone, meet one of my best friends ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
@Christopher Mintchev - Welcome to the group brother. Chris is an incredible creative. He's amassed a big following doing entertaining content, interviewing people out on the streets, podcasts, creative photo shoot concepts, and that's just to name a few things. We'll be posting some of the things we've collaborated on in the near future and we have more coming. Excited for you to be apart of this journey man. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
New comment Mar 1
Everyone, meet one of my best friends ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
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