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My Winning Demo Framework
So after doing more demos than I can count… I came up with the PERFECT framework. Many people feel lost on a demo. They don’t know where to start. What feature to show first. I literally came up with a structure that was literally like a dance. And it doesn’t involve slides, white boards, etc. It literally feels so natural and organic. Best part is that it had an extremely high close rate. You can apply this strategy to ANY software or service. After last weeks class on getting demos. I figured the perfect follow up would be closing the demos. I’m going to do another small live class next week on Thursday. It’ll be just like the one we did this past Friday but the focus is on closing demos. If you enjoyed the last class. You will love this as well. In typical Ross fashion there will be no funnel lol. Just type #closedemos below and I’ll send a link to get in on the live class. We will cap it at 20 people this time because clearly many people wanted in on the last one.
New comment 1d ago
New Members
if you’re a new member… drop a message and let us know who you are and what you do :)
New comment 16d ago
New Members
Getting Started In This Community!
Hola to all our members. Welcome to this new community... We are moving away from the chaos of Discord and would like to give SKOOL a try. SKOOL will serve as our LMS and our community. First off, I know what you are thinking... "Oh God, now I need to track another platform?" No. You can! And we would love you to become an active member in this community. But in the meantime, you will get emailed notifications of my trades that I place. As new videos get posted they will be in the class room section in the menu of this group. You can comment, ask questions, etc. Plus we will be creating some cool monthly contest. To get started drop out a shout out below and let us know you are here.
New comment Apr 26
New Snapshot/Class Is Live!
Appointments suck... Thats the reality. Especially because your clients tend to focus on the no shows. If you want to reduce churn and keep your customers happy. You have to stop: - Making them follow up on leads - Go through no shows - Filter through the crap What you need to do is simply put them on the phone with people that are interested in their product in service. We do this by only doing LIVE Transfers. And best part is AI does all of it. During business hours the bot live transfers. During after hours the text bot schedules calls for the AI Bot to call the next day to handle the live transfers. We are offering this for $97 only through tomorrow. Then it goes to $297. If you would like access you can do so by either visiting Or by going to Classroom. Clicking on the class. And simply paying the $97. This is a no brainer. And you can sell it over and over again for your clients.
New comment 1d ago
New Snapshot/Class Is Live!
Won't Call
I have my first voicebot set up based on the video. The automation triggers in GHL, the log shows it sent the webhook but nothing happens. No call. Nothing noted in Consolidata. The videos I have do all my steps and then say the bot is built. What is the last missing step so it actually calls?! @Ross Christifulli
New comment 1d ago
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The Nexus
This is a group where entrepreneurs learn skills such as passive income investing, marketing, sales, etc.
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