Path to 100K
Private group
797 members
Stop wasting money!
The #1 community for brand owners, founders, and e-commerce entrepreneurs aiming for success on Shopify. Starting out or scaling up? Path to 100K provides you the no bullshit guidance and support you need to win.
Expert Guidance
With 12 years of experience in e-commerce, SaaS, and agency work, I offer the insights and strategies essential for thriving in the online marketplace. I bring practical knowledge to help you achieve your goals.
Comprehensive Resources
Gain access to a wealth of resources, including tutorials, actionable advice, live Q&A sessions, and personalized feedback. Learn the skills to grow your Shopify store and increase your sales.
Supportive Community
Join a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who share your ambitions. Engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and form valuable connections that will support your journey.
Having founded MK1 myself, I bring practical knowledge to help you achieve your goals without bullshit.
Path to 100K
#1 group for brand owners, founders, and e-commerce entrepreneurs. We provide the no-bullshit guidance you need to win on Shopify and E-commerce. 📈
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