Algorithmic trading will absolutely save you money and time; remove emotions, make you a confident trader, and it's not that hard!
Here's whats inside:
- Community leader with a decade of experience trading and managing multiple 6 figure accounts.
- Pine Script Crash Course - For those with little time.
- PS101 - 103 series: ALL NEW Learn Pine Script from scratch V5, creating indicators, scanners, and alerts.
- PS201 - In under a week, learn to automate and backtest strategies with ease.
- PS211 - Advanced backtesting and strategy robustness.
- PS301 - NEW Projects from scratch. Indicators/Strategies Student Requests.
- PS401 - NEW Automation and Integrations
- Crypto 101 - Keep your crypto safe.
- Live - Weekly Q/A
- Support - Email, DM, and ticket system. Never get stuck building your strategy!
- Work Opportunities - Hire from within the community.
- Tech Traders Toolbox - Access to tools, indicators, strategies, libraries and published private code.
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