Between now and May is when work can get BUSY
Hello all.
The Summer wave has finished. Kids are back to school. Biz owners are back from holidays.
They're aware that Q4 needs a whole load of website work, digital marketing, copywriting, video editing, software dev and other skills/work required for their business.
This is a great time for outreach, warm & cold.
Contact all your previous clients asking if they need anything doing, and if they know anyone else that does (Approach with an offer)
⇾ Go to local stores
⇾ Post a promotion in WhatsApp groups
⇾ On all your socials, promote your portfolio
⇾ Give pains and solutions
⇾ Talk about your niche and how you can boost the industry
⇾ Sign up to events, go to where your ICP is, mingle & network.
Word of Mouth will work wonders right now, atleast up until it quietens down during the winter Xmas break.
Even if the person you intended doesn't become a paying client, they'll know someone who will. Treat them nicely and give enough value for them to take your advice and do it themselves.
Get going, get working.
It's not easy, but the rewards are plentiful.
If it was easy, everyone'd be doing it.
Suly Peerally
Between now and May is when work can get BUSY
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